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Thread Author: Anonymer Benutzer
Thread ID: 4072
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PHP auf eine externe seite ohne Iframe einbinden
Anonymer Benutzer
Hallo Liebes Forum,

ich habe vor ein Bewerbungsscript in einer html seite aufrufen und weiß nicht wie ich den code ändern kann,

und hoffe ihr könnt mir die datei umschreiben da wäre ich dankbar.

| PHP-Fusion Content Management System
| Copyright (c) 2002 - 2010 Nick Jones
| Filename: bewerbung.php
| pr_Bewerbungsscript v2.00
| Author: PrugnatoR
| URL:
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
require_once "../../maincore.php";
require_once THEMES."templates/header.php";

require_once INFUSIONS."pr_bewerbung/includes/";

// Datenbankabfrage
$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."formulars");
$option = dbarray($result);

/* ----------------------------- SETUP ------------------------------------- */

$disable_captcha = false; // Use this only if you get problems with the captcha; to disable captcha change to true

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

//Locale includieren
if (file_exists(INFUSIONS."pr_bewerbung/locale/".$settings['locale'].".php")) {
   include INFUSIONS."pr_bewerbung/locale/".$settings['locale'].".php";
} else {
   include INFUSIONS."pr_bewerbung/locale/German.php";

add_to_title(" - ".$option['pr_formname']);

$pn_activ = $option['pr_pnactiv'];
$pn_to = $option['pr_pnto']; // The Id of the User who would get the PM

// ------------ SEND POST ------------------- \\
if (isset($_POST['absenden'])) {

   $error = "";

   $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."form_fields WHERE pr_toform = '1' AND pr_pflicht='1'");

   while ($data = dbarray($result)){
      if($_POST[$data['pr_name']] == ""){
         $error .="<li>".$locale['pr_b080'].": ".$data['pr_desc']." </li>";
      if($disable_captcha != true){
            $_CAPTCHA_IS_VALID = false;
            include INCLUDES."captchas/".$settings['captcha']."/captcha_check.php";
            if ($_CAPTCHA_IS_VALID == false) {
               $error .= "<li>".$locale['pr_b081']."</li>\n";
            include_once INCLUDES."securimage/securimage.php";
            $securimage = new Securimage();
            if (!isset($_POST['captcha_code']) || $securimage->check($_POST['captcha_code']) == false) {
               $error .= "<li>".$locale['pr_b081']."</li>";

   if ($error != "") {
      echo "<center>".$locale['pr_en1']."</center><br /><br />$error";
      echo '<br /><center><input class="button" type="button" value="'.$locale['pr_b006'].'" onClick="history.back()"></center>';
   }else {

      $resultnames = "";
      $resultvalues = "";
      $ip = USER_IP;
      $time = time();
      $result2 = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."form_fields WHERE pr_toform = '1'");

      while ($data = dbarray($result2)){
         $save = pr_save($_POST[$data['pr_name']]);
         $resultnames .= ", pr_".$data['pr_name'];
         $resultvalues .= ", '".$save."'";


         // Send PM
         if($pn_activ == "1"){
            if($pn_to != "-1" && $pn_to != "-2" && $pn_to > 0){
               pm_send($pn_to, $locale['pr_b085'], $locale['pr_b086'].pr_save($_POST['bname']), 0, $locale['pr_b086'].pr_save($_POST['bname']));
            }elseif($pn_to == "-1"){
               $pn_result = dbquery("SELECT user_id FROM ".DB_USERS." WHERE user_level='102' OR user_level='103'");
                  while($data = dbarray($pn_result)){
                     pm_send($data['user_id'], $locale['pr_b085'], $locale['pr_b086'].pr_save($_POST['bname']), 0, $locale['pr_b086'].pr_save($_POST['bname']));
            }elseif($pn_to == "-2"){
               $pn_result = dbquery("SELECT user_id FROM ".DB_USERS." WHERE user_level='103'");
                  while($data = dbarray($pn_result)){
                     pm_send($data['user_id'], $locale['pr_b085'], $locale['pr_b086'].pr_save($_POST['bname']), 0, $locale['pr_b086'].pr_save($_POST['bname']));
               // falsche ID
         // Send eMail
            // Coming Soon

      // Save Inputs
      $result = dbquery("INSERT INTO ".DB_PREFIX."bewerbung (pr_date, pr_ip".$resultnames.") VALUES('".$time."', '".$ip."'".$resultvalues.")");
         if ($result){
            echo "<center>".$locale['pr_b002a']."<br>";
            echo "<center>".$locale['pr_b002b']."<br>";
            echo "</center>";

}else {
// ------------ MAIN CONTENT ------------------- \\

include_once PR_BEWERBUNG."includes/";


if ($option['pr_activ'] == "1" ||  iADMIN){

   // ------------ HEAD ------------------- \\

   if ($option['pr_activ'] != "1" ){
      echo "<center><b><font color='red'>".$locale['pr_b004a']."</font></b></center><br /><br />\n";

   if ($option['pr_headtext'] != ""){
      echo "<div class='quote'>";
      $head = eval("?>".stripslashes($option['pr_headtext'])."<?php ");
      echo $head;



   // ------------ FORM ------------------- \\
echo '<center>';
   echo '<form name="bewerbung" method="post" onreset="return confirmReset(this)" action="'.FUSION_SELF.(FUSION_QUERY ? '?'.FUSION_QUERY : '').'">
   <table  border="0">';
   $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."form_fields WHERE pr_toform='1'");

      while ($data = dbarray($result)){
         echo "<tr>
               if ($data['pr_pflicht'] == "1"){ echo "<span style='color:#ff0000'>*</span>";}
            echo "</td>
               $form = eval("?>".stripslashes($data['pr_form'])."<?php ");
               echo $form;
            echo "\n</td>
   if($disable_captcha != true){
   echo "<tr>\n";
   echo "<td width='100' class='tbl'>Captcha Code:</td>\n";
   echo "<td class='tbl'>";
      include INCLUDES."captchas/".$settings['captcha']."/captcha_display.php";
      echo "<img id='captcha' src='".INCLUDES."securimage/securimage_show.php' alt='' align='left' />\n";
      echo "<a href='".INCLUDES."securimage/securimage_play.php'><img src='".INCLUDES."securimage/images/audio_icon.gif' alt='' align='top' class='tbl-border' style='margin-bottom:1px' /></a><br />\n";
      echo "<a href='#' onclick=\"document.getElementById('captcha').src = '".INCLUDES."securimage/securimage_show.php?sid=' + Math.random(); return false\"><img src='".INCLUDES."securimage/images/refresh.gif' alt='' align='bottom' class='tbl-border' /></a>\n";
   echo "</td>\n</tr>\n";
     if (!isset($_CAPTCHA_HIDE_INPUT) || (isset($_CAPTCHA_HIDE_INPUT) && !$_CAPTCHA_HIDE_INPUT)) {
      echo "<tr>";
      echo "<td class='tbl'>-> ".$locale['pr_b031']."</td>\n";
      echo "<td class='tbl'><input type='text' name='captcha_code' class='textbox' style='width:100px' /></td>\n";
      echo "</tr>\n";
   echo "</table><br><center>".$locale['pr_b007']."</center><br>";
   echo '<p align="center"><input type="submit" name="absenden" value="'.$locale['pr_b028'].'" class="button"> <input type="reset" class="button" value="'.$locale['pr_b028a'].'" onclick="return confirm(\'Formular wirklich leeren?\');"><br></p>
   if (checkrights("PRB")){
      echo '<center><form name="admingo" method="post" action="'.INFUSIONS.'pr_bewerbung/admin/index.php'.$aidlink.'">
      <input type="submit" name="absenden" value="'.$locale['pr_b028b'].'" class="button">

// ------------ INACTIV ------------------- \\

   echo $locale['pr_b004'];

| - Es ist NICHT erlaubt das Copyright zu entfernen
| - Jeder Verstoß wird zur Anzeige gebracht
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| - Es ist möglich jeden Regelverstoß zu finden!
| - Sollten Sie das Copyright entfernen wollen so schreiben sie mir eine Mail an

echo "<div align='right'>Code &copy; by <a href=''>PrugnatoR</a></div>";



//require_once THEMES."templates/footer.php";


Dat Tunes
Und was willst du nun genau machen ?

Seite wo es hin soll auf dem gleichen Server oder auf einen Exteren ?

Genauer erklären, hellsehen ist leider nicht möglich.
Leute ohne Macke, sind Kacke Dickeslachen
Oh Herr, schmeiss Grundwissen von Himmel !
Anonymer Benutzer
Die Seite liegt auf eine subdomain und soll auf die haupt domain angezeigt werden.
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