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Teamliste in 3 Spalten
Flemming |
Geschrieben am 24.09.2012 00000009 01:28
Neuling Beiträge: 4 Registriert am: 08.07.12 Fusioneer: 12 years 2 months 0 weeks 1 days 1 hours 25 minutes 17 seconds |
Hallo Liebe user ;) ich hab mich mal ran gesetzt ich möchte die Teamliste von Gr@n@de um form aber nun ist alles untereinander ich möchte aber die Spalten so haben DJ 1 | DJ 2 | DJ3 DJ 4 | DJ 5 | DJ 6 usw.... [geshi=php]<?php /*-------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP-Fusion Content Management System | Copyright © 2002 - 2008 Nick Jones | http://www.php-fusion.co.uk/ +--------------------------------------------------------+ | Title: Gr_Teamlist v2.2 for PHP-Fusion 7 | Filename: teamlist.php | Author: Ralf Thieme (Gr@n@dE) | HP: www.granade.eu +--------------------------------------------------------+ | This program is released as free software under the | Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or | modify it under the terms of this license which you | can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online | at www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html. Removal of this | copyright header is strictly prohibited without | written permission from the original author(s). +--------------------------------------------------------*/ require_once "maincore.php"; require_once THEMES."templates/header.php"; include INFUSIONS."gr_teamlist/infusion_db.php"; if (file_exists(INFUSIONS."gr_teamlist/locale/".LOCALESET."index.php")) { include INFUSIONS."gr_teamlist/locale/".LOCALESET."index.php"; } else { include INFUSIONS."gr_teamlist/locale/German/index.php"; } add_to_title($locale['global_200'].$locale['grtl102']); opentable("-> BaseMusic Team"); $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_GR_TEAMLIST_GROUP." ORDER BY tlg_position"); if (dbrows($result) != 0) { while ($tl_group = dbarray($result)) { echo "<img border='0' src='".INFUSIONS."gr_teamlist/images/group/".$tl_group['tlg_pic']."' alt='".$tl_group['tlg_name']."' onClick='javascript:Toggle(".$tl_group['tlg_id'].")' style='cursor:pointer' /><span id='ToggleRow_".$tl_group['tlg_id']."' style='display:".($tl_group['tlg_status'] == 1 ? "block" : "none")."'>"; $result2 = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_GR_TEAMLIST_USERS." WHERE tlu_groups='".$tl_group['tlg_id']."' ORDER BY tlu_position"); if (dbrows($result2) != 0) { if (dbrows($result2) > 3) { $table_s = 1; $counter = 0; $columns = 3; } else { $table_s = 0; } while ($tl_users = dbarray($result2)) { echo " <table> <tr> <td>"; echo " <table width='160px' height='200px' align='center'> <tr> <td valign='top' background='".INFUSIONS."gr_teamlist/images/teambg.png'> "; echo "<br><center><b><font color='#fff'>".$tl_users['tlu_rname']."'s</font></b> <br> <font color='#fff'>Musikgeschmack <small>"; echo " <br>".($tl_users['tlu_feld2'] ? nl2br(parseubb($tl_users['tlu_feld2'])) : $locale['grtl203']).""; echo "</font></small> </center>"; echo "<hr />"; if ($table_s == 1) { if ($counter != 0 && ($counter % $columns == 0)) echo ""; $align = $counter % $columns ? "left" : "right"; echo ""; } if ($tl_users['tlu_userid'] != 0) { $result3 = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_USERS." WHERE user_id='".$tl_users['tlu_userid']."'"); $tl_users2 = dbarray($result3); } if ($tl_users['tlu_pic'] != "" && file_exists(INFUSIONS."gr_teamlist/images/team/".$tl_users['tlu_pic'])) { $user_avatar = INFUSIONS."gr_teamlist/images/team/".$tl_users['tlu_pic']; } elseif ($tl_users2['user_avatar'] != "" && file_exists(IMAGES."avatars/".$tl_users2['user_avatar'])) { $user_avatar = IMAGES."avatars/".$tl_users2['user_avatar']; } else { $user_avatar = IMAGES."avatars/nopic.gif"; } echo "<center>"; echo "<center>"; echo "<table> <tr> <td><img border='0' src='".$user_avatar."' alt='".$tl_users2['user_name']."' height='100' width='82' /><br> <small><font color='#fffff'><a href='".BASEDIR."messages.php?msg_send=".$tl_users['tlu_userid']."'>PN</a> | mehr</font></small> </center></td> <td>"; if ($tl_users['tlu_userid'] != 0 && ($tl_users2['user_hide_email'] != "1" || iADMIN)) { echo hide_email($tl_users2['user_email'], "<img border='0' src='".INFUSIONS."gr_teamlist/images/email.png' alt='Email ' width='16' height='16' /><br>")." "; } if (array_key_exists("user_aim", $tl_users2) && $tl_users['tlu_userid'] != 0 && $tl_users2['user_aim'] != "") { echo "<a href='aim:goim?screenname=".$tl_users2['user_aim']."' target='_blank' title='".$tl_users2['user_aim']."'><img border='0' src='".INFUSIONS."gr_teamlist/images/aim.png' alt='AIM ' width='16' height='16' /></a> <br>"; } if (array_key_exists("user_icq", $tl_users2) && $tl_users['tlu_userid'] != 0 && $tl_users2['user_icq'] != "") { echo "<a href='http://icq.com/people/about_me.php?uin=".$tl_users2['user_icq']."' target='_blank' title='".$tl_users2['user_icq']."'><img border='0' src='".INFUSIONS."gr_teamlist/images/icq.png' alt='ICQ ' width='16' height='16' /></a><br> "; } if (array_key_exists("user_msn", $tl_users2) && $tl_users['tlu_userid'] != 0 && $tl_users2['user_msn'] != "") { echo "<a href='mailto:".$tl_users2['user_msn']."' target='_blank' title='".$tl_users2['user_msn']."'><img border='0' src='".INFUSIONS."gr_teamlist/images/msn.png' alt='MSN ' width='16' height='16' /></a><br> "; } if (array_key_exists("user_yahoo", $tl_users2) && $tl_users['tlu_userid'] != 0 && $tl_users2['user_yahoo'] != "") { echo "<a href='http://uk.profiles.yahoo.com/".$tl_users2['user_yahoo']."' title='".$tl_users2['user_yahoo']."'><img border='0' src='".INFUSIONS."gr_teamlist/images/yahoo.png' alt='YAHOO ' width='16' height='16' /></a><br> "; } if (($tl_users['tlu_userid'] == 0 || ($tl_users2['user_hide_email'] == "1" && !iADMIN)) && !IsSeT($tl_users2['user_aim']) && !IsSeT($tl_users2['user_icq']) && !IsSeT($tl_users2['user_msn']) && !IsSeT($tl_users2['user_yahoo'])) { echo $locale['grtl206']; } echo " </center> </td> </table> </table>"; echo "</td> </tr> </table>"; }}}} echo "<div align='right'><a href='http://www.granade.eu/scripte/teamlist.html' target='_blank'>Teamlist ©</a></div>"; closetable(); echo '<script type="text/javascript"> function Toggle(id) { spanid1 = "ToggleRow_"+id; val = document.getElementById(spanid1).style.display; if (val == "none") { document.getElementById(spanid1).style.display = "block"; } else { document.getElementById(spanid1).style.display = "none"; } } </script>'; require_once THEMES."templates/footer.php"; ?>[/geshi] Evtl. könnte mir ja der ein oder andre helfen LG Flemming... Bearbeitet von Flemming am 24.09.2012 00000009 01:30 .gif' alt='' style='vertical-align:middle;' />
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DjMicha1985 |
Geschrieben am 29.09.2012 00000009 12:36
Administrator Beiträge: 784 Registriert am: 02.10.08 Fusioneer: 15 years 11 months 0 weeks 5 days 22 hours 48 minutes 23 seconds |
in der teamlist.php Code Download Code add_to_title($locale['global_200'].$locale['grtl102']); und durch Code Download Code add_to_title($locale['global_200'].$locale['grtl102']); |
Flemming |
Geschrieben am 03.10.2012 00000010 22:09
Neuling Beiträge: 4 Registriert am: 08.07.12 Fusioneer: 12 years 2 months 0 weeks 1 days 1 hours 25 minutes 17 seconds |
Es wird immer noch untereinander aufgelistet
.gif' alt='' style='vertical-align:middle;' />
DjMicha1985 |
Geschrieben am 07.10.2012 00000010 10:39
Administrator Beiträge: 784 Registriert am: 02.10.08 Fusioneer: 15 years 11 months 0 weeks 5 days 22 hours 48 minutes 23 seconds |
Dann frag doch einfach mal in dem Forum nach, wo die die Teamliste her hast
Flemming |
Geschrieben am 14.10.2012 00000010 12:52
Neuling Beiträge: 4 Registriert am: 08.07.12 Fusioneer: 12 years 2 months 0 weeks 1 days 1 hours 25 minutes 17 seconds |
Noe habe jetzt eine Eigende geschrieben
.gif' alt='' style='vertical-align:middle;' />
Ragdoll |
Geschrieben am 15.10.2012 00000010 07:16
Jung Mitglied Beiträge: 32 Registriert am: 28.06.10 Fusioneer: 14 years 2 months 1 weeks 11 days 10 hours 31 minutes 22 seconds |
Zur Info^^ es wird nur in 3 spalten gelistet so fern auch der Platz vorhanden ist. nach dem man Dj Micha's Codeänderung vorgenommen hat.
Ik war's.
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