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Thread Author: limus
Thread ID: 3246
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Hallo zusammen mir ist aufgefallen das viele Seiten eine Anmeldung mit seinem Facebookdaten anbieten. Nun meine Frage kann man das in seine Fusionseite einbinden?
Vielen Dank.
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Dat Tunes
Schau mal hier:
Leute ohne Macke, sind Kacke Dickeslachen
Oh Herr, schmeiss Grundwissen von Himmel !
Danke habe mich an die Anleitung gehalten. bekomme jetzt wenn ich den code in eine neue Seite eintrage folgendes


Duplicate column name 'user_fb_userid'Duplicate column name 'user_fb_hash'Duplicate column name 'facebook_salt'

hier mal die readme


PHP-Fusion Facebook Integration 1.02
For version 7.x
Coded By: Arda Kilicdagi (SoulSmasher)
Web: ,
This modification is based on the beautiful tutorial of

This program is released as free software under the
Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of this license which you
can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
at Removal of this
copyright header is strictly prohibited without
written permission from the original author(s).

This mod allows Facebook® Connect to allow facebook users to login to your site.
After conencting, the system generates a new user binded with the user's Facebook account, snatches his/hers profile picture and email for its profile. (Note: for the privacy, if you hid your email from public, Facebook "proxifies" it with a loong facebook mail redirected to you for email column, that is normal)


-Upload everything under files folder to your root
-Go to Admin panel->System Administration->Panels and add and activate facebook_login_panel
-Now go to and generate your own application, set your website URL exactly. After that it'll give you a file names xd_receiver.htm. Upload that to your PHP-Fusion Root, and validate your website.
-After validating, you'll be redirected to Facebook Developers page showing your API and SECRET KEY. Open facebook_system.php, and fill these two lines:

-And Run this once in custom pages:
$soul=dbquery("ALTER TABLE ".DB_USERS." ADD user_fb_userid BIGINT(16) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
$soul=dbquery("ALTER TABLE ".DB_USERS." ADD user_fb_hash VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''");
$soul=dbquery("ALTER TABLE ".DB_SETTINGS." ADD facebook_salt VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''");
$soul=dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_SETTINGS." SET facebook_salt='".md5(rand(0,9999999))."'");

After this, either use modified files or mod manually.

-Now open maincore.php and find:
$user_pass = md5($_POST['user_pass']);
Change as:
if (isset($_POST['user_fb_hash'])) { $user_pass = $_POST['user_fb_hash']; } else if (isset($_POST['user_pass'])) { $user_pass = md5($_POST['user_pass']); }

$cookie_value = $data['user_id'].".".$user_pass;
Add Above:
//update facebook hash if not done yet
if ($data['user_fb_hash']=="") { $result2=dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_USERS." SET user_fb_hash='".md5($data['user_password'])."' WHERE user_id='".$data['user_id']."'"); }
//update facebook hash

if (isset($_POST['login']) && isset($_POST['user_name']) && isset($_POST['user_pass'])) {
Change As:
if (isset($_POST['login']) && isset($_POST['user_name']) && (isset($_POST['user_pass']) || isset($_POST['user_fb_hash']))) {

$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_USERS." WHERE user_name='".$user_name."' AND user_password='".md5($user_pass)."' LIMIT 1");
Change As:
if (isset($_POST['user_fb_hash'])) {
$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_USERS." WHERE user_name='".$user_name."' AND user_fb_hash='".facebook_crypt($_POST['user_fb_hash'])."' LIMIT 1");
} else {
$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_USERS." WHERE user_name='".$user_name."' AND user_password='".md5($user_pass)."' LIMIT 1");

$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_USERS." WHERE user_id='$cookie_1' AND user_password='".md5($cookie_2)."' LIMIT 1");
Change As:
$result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".DB_USERS." WHERE user_id='$cookie_1' AND (user_password='".md5($cookie_2)."' OR user_fb_hash='".facebook_crypt($cookie_2)."') LIMIT 1");

// Initialise the $locale array
$locale = array();
Add Above:
//this function is to improve security of user_fb_hash column.
function facebook_crypt($string) {
global $settings;
return md5($string.$settings['facebook_salt']);
//function end

-Open includes/update_profile_include.php and find:
$new_pass = " user_password='".md5(md5($user_new_password))."', ";
Change as:
$new_pass = " user_password='".md5(md5($user_new_password))."', user_fb_hash='".facebook_crypt(md5(md5($user_new_password)))."', ";

-Open administration/updateuser.php, find:
if ($user_new_password) { $new_pass = " user_password='".md5(md5($user_new_password))."', "; } else { $new_pass = " "; }
Change as:
if ($user_new_password) { $new_pass = " user_password='".md5(md5($user_new_password))."', user_fb_hash='".facebook_crypt(md5(md5($user_new_password)))."', "; } else { $new_pass = " "; }

-Open setuser.php and find:
if (!dbcount("(user_id)", DB_USERS, "user_name='".$user_name."' AND user_password='".md5($user_pass)."'")) {
Change as:
if (!dbcount("(user_id)", DB_USERS, "user_name='".$user_name."' AND (user_password='".md5($user_pass)."' OR user_fb_hash='".facebook_crypt($user_pass)."')")) {

I know, it's a big long, but it's needed.

-Sometimes the page may show some issues like this:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'FacebookRestClientException' with message 'Session key invalid or no longer valid' in..
That is because of Facebook API, session timeout. If this happens, to fix this, logout from Facebook and try again, Or clean cookies.

Instead of opening a facebook popup for login you can redirect people to to force login.
To do this, uncomment this line:
//$fb->require_login();//uncomment this if you want to want to redirect to to login the user.

1.02 - Fixed changed files includes/update_profile_include.php, administration/updateuser.php
manual modding and changed file is added for setuser.php, so if a person from facebook logs in, setuser.php will output "Hello user" instead of "wrong password" even though the user logs in.
username salting for the names which all characters are non-alphanumeric.
PM issue is fixed (at least for me)
1.01 - Added changed files for 7.00.07
Updated a minor issue about editing which prevented logging in.
block image linked.
1.0 - Initial Release

Bearbeitet von DjMicha1985 am 16.01.2013 00000001 09:27
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Ein Profilfeld würde ich dir auch sonst Schreiben !
Das wäre echt super danke. klasse

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Bearbeitet von limus am 29.11.2010 00000011 13:56
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da ist deine readme drinn
hier die readme.
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